On Journaling | Day 5

I have or had, I don't know at this point, a series on this blog called Book Of Positivity, which allowed me to write about the good in my life and remind me that despite my anxiety I do have good days and good moments. And while I loved doing it and while I love reading them back, there is more than just good in my life. There's quite a bit of shit, and I don't think ignoring it is the best way to go about it but of course there's alot of private stuff that lets face it unless this blog was anonymous I would never in a million years think of publishing it..

So that leads me to my journal. This semester in college I've been taking a creative writing course and part of that has been to write an entry about whatever I want at least once a week. It's been really cathardic to put my personal rants, opinions and poems in a book that I know I'll be able to look back on. I know, I know, if its for school won't the teacher read it? Well yeah however he's a nice guy, I'm trusting him not to go and tell everyone about the guys in my life, and all my other deep dark secrets. On and off in the past I've kept journals I have a box of started journals that track moments of my childhood and some of them... well some of them are outright hilarious 7 year old cuteness but some reflect troubles that still plague me now or remind me of past friendships and good times. Its a wonderful momento of the past.

And just to write the the things of the present down that I'm not necessarily comfortable sharing with anyone is incredibly relieving. Not all of it is private and some entries I've already shared with friends and with my mom. Nonetheless there's a lot of ideas I don't share or write about because I'm worried about 'quality' content, but in a journal that's just for me my writing can be complete rubbish and it doesn't matter. And in a private way I can share feelings that I am scared to voice or don't know who to voice them to. My journal is now the keeper of all things Flo. It's a scrapbook of words that reflect my present psyche.


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