Mother's Day | A Letter to You

Wow did I really deliver a blog post every 3 days for 11 consecutive blog posts, 12 if you include this one? I must have hit a spell of motivation, a rare occasion for me. Today I looked at the date at the bottom of the screen and I realized that it had been 3 days since my last post and I hadn't planned anything in my mind, for all the last posts I had thought of something the night after I posted and planned/wrote the next two days.

I do have an excuse for this lack of thought and that is my mother, yes I know; "Wow blame your mum why don't you Flo?" Look, look it actually is because of her. As those who are from America know it was mother's day on Sunday past, however I didn't celebrate my mum on Sunday but rather on Thursday. But why? you ask, because early Friday morning she went into surgery and had a stay at the hospital until Sunday late evening.

Quite a few months ago she started showing signs of uterine cancer, she went in for preliminary testing and a biopsy but because of a previous operation she had they couldn't get a proper tissue sample so they booked a full historectomy (She no longer has ovaries or a uterus) to a) determine if she has cancer or not and b) to prevent further risks of cancer which several family members have had. Whilst at the hospital she was diagnosed with diabetes, unfortunately because of her surgery she couldn't eat for 24hrs which caused her to go into hypoglycemic shock. Her vision went blurry, she got extremely dizzy and her blood pressure dropped.

She's alright now, more or less, but she's home and she's resting, (though not completely following her doctor's orders of bedrest -.- geez Mum listen to your doctor) However when I visited her at the hospital it kind of shocked me to see her in the hospital bed looking really pale and faint. It made me realize that it was actually scary and that even though from the surgery there was only a 0.4% chance of death and that the possibly cancerous cells were being removed, I love my mum and I want her to be okay. Obviously I still get extremely exasperated and roll my eyes at her on numerous occasions but the fact still remains that my mum is an incredible woman who has dealt with so much and yet still managed to raise three kids, and were doing pretty damn alright.

You totally flew to England with me to make sure I was safe which was an amazing gift
So this is my mothering Sunday message to my Mum. Thank you for being alright. And thank you for raising me always doing the best you could. I'm sorry I don't always appreciate you but I always love you. You gave birth to me (sorry for causing you to have a very very complicated birth in my defense I doubt it was any fun for me) and you sang to me every night, made sure I was fed and happy. You never let me cry (I know this stems from your training in attachment counseling that says never ever let babies cry but I appreciate you apply your knowledge to me) and you always made sure I knew I could fall back on you. If I mess up I know you'll be there for me so thank you.
Thank you Mum for teaching me to value myself for who I am inside and not to base my life on looks. Thank you for loving my hair when I felt like shaving it off and thank you for bringing humour to situations to relieve the tension even though you don't do it purposefully your awkwardness is always funny and endearing. I love you so much Mum for supporting my dreams even if they make absolutely no sense to you and you wish I would find a new one.
Happy Mother's day and get well soon.
P.S. I'm totally using you as content fodder for my blog post, I had no other ideas. Thanks for that as well.

To everyone else, go and hug your mothers and I'll see you in 3 days with another blog post (seriously this streak is gonna go on for as long as it can)



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