The pet tag

I have not blogged in about a few days. I apologize for this,going back to school is always a tad hectic.

Instead this post will be about my favorite animal in the whole wide world. My obese kitty, Amber.

1. How did you get Amber?

On my 12th birthday, my parents finally let me get a cat after 2-3 years of begging. We went to a cat lady who fostered cats, but none of the cats seemed to be what i wanted so we headed over to the SPCA ( a humane society) where I found this little girl with her sister. I immediately fell in love with her and adopted her into my life.

2. What are some quirky things about your cat and her personnality?

 She meows....allllll the time. She doesnt really purr. She climbs up my leg to cuddle me when I am crying or angry. When I scratch her back she licks me. She is wayyyy overweight no matter the diet she is provided.
When I leave for the day, night or weekend, she will cry at the door before I leave and for a few hours after, she also cries if she hears my voice over the phone.

3. What are some of your nicknames for her?

You want them all? It's a long list:
AmberPoop, Kitty, FattyPoop, Sweetie, and many other variations with poop in it. :P The most common one is AmberPoop.

4. What does your relationship with Amber mean to you?

I love her. She is the best cat  i could have ever hoped to have. She litteraly comforts me as i answered in question two. I can't say she is like a kid to me but for now she is one of the most important things in my life, at times she is what keeps me sane and i think it would be the same for her were she not a cat.
Oh the life of a fat cat
5. What is one of your favorite memories with her?

One of my favorite is also one of my first. When we first brought amber home, we attempted to leave her in my room to get 'used' to her surroundings. Amber however would have none of that, she pulled a prison break by busting through the vent in my room and into the living room, she continued doing this until we gave up and let her roam in the whole house.

With a feather stck to her butt!

That is it for now snowflakes,
see you soon.

Enjoy simple moments, Cherish what you love.


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